How to rub a child of the first year of life when coughing

One of the hardest and most intense experiences for parents is the illness of their children. Especially if this baby is a baby.

rubbing with cough for children

Most often, small children suffer from colds. Of course, self-medication without consulting a pediatrician is not worth it. But you can use some old, proven over the years methods with the permission of the pediatrician. One of these methods for colds and coughs is rubbing.

Grinding Rules

It is recommended to carry out grinding, starting from six months of age. When carrying out this procedure, the following rules must be observed:

  • If the child is a newborn, then rubbing can be done only after consulting with a children's doctor.
  • Do not use camphor oil rubbing agents for up to a year, since this oil can be harmful to the baby's strengthening heart.
  • It is advisable to do the procedure in the evening, before bedtime.
  • Do not rub the ointment into the area of ​​the papillae and the heart of the baby.
  • You need to rub the back, chest, soles and heels of crumbs.
  • The movements are light, massaging, or from the bottom up, or circular, clockwise.
  • After the procedure, it is necessary to wrap the baby well, put warm socks on the legs.
  • You can not do rubbing at elevated body temperature of the child.

What grinders can be used up to a year?


You can use pharmacy rubbing, approved for use in the age category up to a year.

For example, Pulmex baby ointment can rub the baby from 6 months. It is applied to the thoracic back and breast during the day before bedtime and before bedtime. Rub lightly to absorb, and warm the rubbed places.

Traditional Medicine Tips

Folk remedies are also widely used for warming rubbing children up to one year old.

Very effective use for grinding liquid natural honey (honey grinding).

  • If it is sugared, it is necessary to heat it using a water bath to a liquid state.
  • Prepare an old T-shirt and socks, warm them to be warm.
  • Gently rub a little honey into the breast and back of the baby, avoiding the area of ​​the heart and nipples.
  • Put a warm T-shirt on the baby, wrap it with a warm scarf or scarf.
  • Now rub honey into the soles and heels of the diseased crumbs. When you finish rubbing one leg, put on a warm sock on it. Do the same with the other leg.
  • Put the baby in the crib, cover with a warm blanket.
  • By morning, honey is completely absorbed.

Can be used melted warm butter.

Since ancient times, our great-great-grandmothers have been used for warming rubbing interior pork, goat or badger fat. The grinding technology is the same as honey.

Effective and grinding from goat fat and propolis.

The cooking technology is simple.

  • To make it, melt 0.5 kg of fat. To do this, put a container with it in a pan with hot water.
  • Pour in 20 ml of propolis pharmacy tincture, mix.
  • Place the pan without taking out the containers of fat on a medium heat.
  • Heat, stirring, until all the alcohol has evaporated.
  • Refrigerate and store the composition in the refrigerator, using small portioned pieces for rubbing.

Can be used for grinding caraway seed oil.

  • To prepare the product, grind 20 g of caraway seeds.
  • Put the crushed mass in any vegetable oil (100 ml).
  • Pour the resulting mixture into a jar (preferably dark glass).
  • Insist for a week in the room, putting in a dark place.
  • Keep in the refrigerator.
  • It is not necessary to filter the oil.
  • Before use, it is necessary to warm a single serving to room temperature.

All these rubbing well warm the baby’s breast and back, soften the cough and improve sputum discharge.

Using folk remedies for coughing will help you cure a small patient faster and more effectively. Just do not forget that the use of folk remedies is only an addition to the treatment prescribed by the children's doctor.

Read on the topic of cough:

  1. Folk remedies for cough in infants
  2. Cough medicines for children up to a year
  3. Why a child coughs in his sleep: 5 most common causes

Video: 5 specific tips for relieving a coughing fit

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  1. Dmitry

    I have two children, 4 and 3 years old, respectively, my wife and I didn’t rub them at this age with a cold, but somehow my grandmother, in my opinion, used the honey option and then wrapped it up (warm socks, pajamas, a beacon). In fact, our kids were ill a little.

  2. Ala

    When coughing with my son, even though he was ten months old, I rubbed the chest and back with a doctor, the warming effect is very good, the cough became literally less after two times of use.

  3. Olga

    Best of all are folk remedies and I also agree that grinding with honey is what we need - without chemistry and natural utility. Well, and, of course, wrap up warmer. Do it all at night, before going to bed.

For Mom

For Dad
