All about laxative syrup Prelax and Prelax Baby

Baby Laxative Relax BabyPrelax Baby for newborns - first aid for constipation. A long delay in the stool causes the child severe pains and cramps, which only a safe and effective remedy can cope with. Prelax baby contributes to the formation of good microflora due to the contained lactulose.

Laxative Prelax - Syrup for constipation

The medicine Prelax is a drug of the modern generation that belongs to the category of laxatives. It is successfully applied in practice to eliminate constipation not only in infants, but also in adults.

Article about constipation in newborns >>>

The main action of Prelax Baby - fast and effective intestinal relaxation.

A competent approach to treatment and the right dosage of the drug prevents chronic constipation. Individual treatment based on the nature of the disease and its severity.

Laxative Prelax, even with prolonged use, does not affect the gastrointestinal tract and has a harmless effect without addiction. A long course of treatment does not require an increase in dose. After normalization of the intestinal tract, the amount of laxative consumed is gradually reduced.

Babies are given the drug on the day of 2 r. before eating (5-30 ml).


The cost of the drug relax pleasantly surprises. An effective remedy for constipation can afford an ordinary average family. Starting price - from 150 rubles.

Prelax for expectant mothers

The condition of the woman during the bearing of the child is quite vulnerable, so not all laxative drugs have a good effect. Syrup Prelax for pregnant women is absolutely safe and highly effective. Damage to the health of the baby and mother with regular use is excluded. Lactulose is the initial component of the drug, acting on metabolic processes in the intestine. After the drug interacts with microflora, peristalsis is enhanced. These processes normalize stool.

Lactulose does not enter the bloodstream and does not cause disturbances in embryonic development. With the use of the drug, ammonia is actively utilized. This has a good effect on liver cells, which are exposed to additional stress during pregnancy.

Instructions for use for adults

The drug Prelax can be used in stages.

  • The first course includes from 2 to 7 days, 40 ml at a time before meals. If the use of the suspension caused diarrhea, then the dosage is reduced by 10 ml.
  • At the second stage, relax is used 3 times in 10 ml.

Prelax's instructions clearly indicate contraindications - intestinal obstruction, impaired galactose metabolism and individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Side effects

Prelax treatment can cause flatulence (bloating), which quickly passes. In case of an overdose, diarrhea and pain in the abdomen occur. The regular use of high doses over a long period of time will require blood control for possible electrolyte abnormalities.

Other laxatives based on lactulose are also available.

Prelax or Duphalac: which is better?

The differences in these funds are only in the manufacturer. The composition of these two drugs is similar and has the same effect. The only difference is that the average cost of dufalac is higher.

Indications Prelax

• constipation
• Hepatic encephalopathy
• Hemorrhoids
• Possible surgical interventions on the rectum
• Cleansing before colonoscopy and irrigoscopy

Read on:

  1. Other medicines for constipation
  2. How to make an enema baby
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  1. Alexander

    Informative article. Recently we learned that they were pregnant and then it started))) We spent a lot of time on the Internet and studied such forums and articles. Took note. The information is extremely helpful. Thank;)

  2. nicholas

    I would like to believe that this drug will really help with constipation. otherwise our baby often suffers from this problem, and it’s very difficult to find methods to get rid of it

  3. Maxim

    After application, bloating appeared, but quickly passed. In general, I am satisfied with the drug, it acts instantly, and there are no special side effects. I advise everyone

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