How and in what cases to use a gas outlet pipe

For a long 9 months, mother carries her child, studies tons of sheets of periodicals and Internet pages with the necessary information and prepares for the most important and responsible event - childbirth. However, after the baby is brought home, it immediately becomes clear that the questions are just beginning.

Vent pipe for newborns

Among the most common problems that young mothers are puzzled with are intestinal cramps and gas, more than 30% of babies face this trouble.

This is due to the fact that the microflora of the intestines of the newborn is still poorly developed. Gases in the abdomen in a child most often occur due to improper grip of the breast during feeding or if the baby eats from a bottle, it can sometimes trap air bubbles.

doctor-1Bowel problems in most cases go away after the first 3 months of a baby’s life. To save the child from gas and colic, parents use: dill water, various medicines (Espumisan, Hilak Forte, Baby Kalm, Bobotik, etc. -see list of all popular drugs), lactating mother adheres to a diettummy massage, but there is another way to make life easier for the baby and get rid of the gas accumulated in the tummy - this is a vent pipe (a special device for newborn babies).

So, the vent pipe is used if the child has constipation, if the child is in pain, and if the child has pain due to colic and gas.

Instructions for use

vent pipe
Length 18-22 cm. Diameter 2.5-3 mm

If your choice is focused on the last of the described methods to save the child from discomfort, then you should first figure out how to use the vent pipe so as not to harm the baby. For a newborn child, you need to take a tube of the smallest size - 15 - 16. For older children, size 17-18 (you will be advised in the pharmacy about this)

  • After purchase, the vent pipe should be boiled;
  • Wash hands thoroughly before use;
  • Prepare a changing table for the procedure (lay oilcloth and diaper);
  • Lubricate the tip of the tube and the anus of the child with petroleum jelly (you can replace it with boiled vegetable oil);
  • The baby up to 6 months to put on the back, press the legs to the chest and hold;
  • Baby 6 months and older put on the left barrel, press the legs and hold;
  • Gently, rotate the baby to enter the lubricated tip into the anus (the smallest is enough for 1-2 cm, from 6 months of age and older - up to 4 cm) and hold for about 10 minutes;
  • To understand that the gaziki went, you can lower the other end of the tube into a container of water. By the bubbles you will understand;
  • Very carefully, gently twist the tube, if the feces did not go, move the tube a little further (but not more than 5 cm);
  • After the gases and feces have gone, carefully remove the tube, press the baby's legs to his chest (so that the remains of feces and gaziks come out independently and completely);
  • After the event, the baby needs to be washed.

The whole process usually takes 5 to 10 minutes.

how to use a gas outlet

Despite the apparent simplicity of the procedure, it is better to consult a pediatrician before use.

Ideally: the first time a pediatrician does it himself before your eyes, in this case there is a greater likelihood that you will remember how to correctly introduce a gas outlet to your newborn baby.

The use of a gas tube requires a certain skill, otherwise God forbid, injure the baby, and this is already fraught with serious consequences, such as peritonitis, for example. When choosing a product in a pharmacy, remember that instructions must be attached to it, it will help you out if doctors for some reason can not conduct the procedure for the first time themselves.


sovet-kuryaschim-mamamIt is not permissible to use a rectal tube if the baby already has a rectal disease.

A repeated procedure is recommended not earlier than 4 hours after the first. However, one should not get carried away with this activity either - the baby must learn to control his body on his own.

As for the blow to the wallet, just buying this device will not inflict it - the price of a gas venting tube on average ranges from 45 to 100 rubles, depending on the material from which it is made, and appearance.

A gas vent can be made from the most common enema (pear). The pear is cut in the middle, and here’s the analog of the tube 🙂

Plus a vent tube - it is not addictive, unlike enemas. But, we repeat, it is often better not to use it!

You can use a special enema - microlax.

doctor-1On the topic of abdominal pain:

We also read:How to give a baby medicine in the form of a tablet or syrup - instructions for parents -

And finally, 3 video instructions for the proper use of the tube.

Video instructions

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  1. Dana

    I am wary of such devices. I'm afraid to hurt the baby. When the doctor does the procedure, you know that everything will be fine, but you yourself can do something wrong. If possible, save ourselves with Espumisan.

  2. Svetlana

    We used a gas vent the first months of the baby. My son had colic, he couldn’t poop himself, screaming, pushing, did not sleep. They put in tubes, the gaziks departed, the baby calmed down almost immediately.

  3. Anastasia

    I have strong colic in my baby, doctors say that you eat either, I didn’t eat milk now and didn’t have enough, I drank colic from gas, I didn’t see much help, I bought Espumisan now, let's see what he says, but the tube scary of course, but sometimes he screams and cries like that, and it lasts not 20 and not 40 minutes, but for two hours he screams strongly that it’s probably worth buying it.

  4. Olga

    And why didn’t we try when the child was small! Although the daughter was breastfed, she was constantly tormented by constipation and intestinal colic. We were helped - a warm diaper on the abdomen (the effect is short), massage (done regularly, clockwise), I included unsweetened compote, rather a decoction, dried apricots in my diet; and when it was absolutely unbearable it was necessary to resort to medications - Espumisan drops, unsweetened well from colic, and Glycelax candles fought constipation (I also bought glycerin suppositories during pregnancy, it’s kind of the same, but for children, it’s well tolerated) Of course , you don’t really need to get involved in drugs, without fanaticism), but when the baby is really bad, these proven tools help out a lot.

  5. Cartoon

    Carefully insert the end of the tube into the rectum, 1.5-2 cm for newborns and 4-5 cm for older children.

  6. Natalya

    I myself introduced the baby a vent pipe. The main thing is not to rush. Instant result! Make a tummy massage, sanitize the tube, grease with baby oil, and gently enter the tube without panic. Everything was in minutes! But she noticed that sometimes a warm bath helps, and the use of espumisan! But the heated diaper somehow did not prove itself: - ((. One mediator advised me to give noshpa three times a day, and at the time when colic give white coal! These funds seem to absorb colic!

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