How to teach a child to sleep in his crib separately from his mother (video, real stories)

In the modern world a lot of attention is paid to the mental health of the child. Therefore, many pediatricians, as well as breast-feeding experts, advise putting the baby to sleep near the mother, especially in the first few months of life. So the emotional connection grows stronger, and mother does not need to get out of bed to see if her treasure is sleeping, if it has been revealed, if it has frozen ...

How to teach a child to sleep in his crib

But time goes on and after some time of such a joint sleep it becomes clear that you need to do something about it, because now it’s not easy to get enough sleep. And only a few know how to properly begin to teach a child to sleep separately from his mother in his bed, so as not to accidentally cause irreparable harm to the psyche of the baby.

Where to begin?

There are no general recommendations about at what age to complete a joint sleep. It all depends on the personal characteristics of the child. Some babies from birth can safely fall asleep in their crib, separate from their mother, while others, and at 4 years old, need to sleep with their mother.

However, there are general recommendations that will indirectly indicate that the baby can move to his personal bed:

  • Baby completely weaned;
  • Night sleep crumbs lasts at least 5-6 in a row (when the baby starts to sleep all night);
  • In the afternoon, the baby spends less than 1/3 of all time in her mother’s arms (wean the child from the hands);
  • If he wakes up alone in bed, this will not cause a cry or a tantrum;
  • A possessive instinct has appeared (“mine” or “not mine”);
  • A child can spend one in a room for at least ten to fifteen minutes.

When not worth it make the baby sleep separately?

Accustom to sleep separately in the cribDelaying this difficult psychological moment is necessary if your baby:

  • Born prematurely, prematurely;
  • Born due to cesarean section;
  • He suffered a birth injury;
  • Has signs of increased intracranial pressure;
  • Has signs of developmental delay;
  • Has signs of various skin diseases, such as eczema, diathesisdermatitis and the like
  • It has high excitability, tearful, irritable.

How to teach a child to sleep in his crib

If your baby has at least one of the above signs, it is worth thinking about prolonging a joint dream with him, because this need he has more than his peers.

In addition, you should not "relocate" the child during the active phase teething, immediately after the illness, if the baby is just accustomed to the potty or has just started attending kindergarten.

All these events are already a very big stress for a little man. Do not overload the children's psyche even more.

To teach a child to sleep in his crib separately is not an easy, but feasible task.You need to be mentally prepared in advance for the fact that from time to time the baby will come in the middle of the night (if your baby already walks on his own) to the parent's bed in search of comfort, affection and warmth. All this must be treated with great understanding and patience.

Doctor Komarovsky advises: with whom to sleep the child to the child

We teach to sleep separately

No matter how strange this may sound, the first thing you need to pay attention to is a sincere desire to sleep separately from the mother’s own child. Over a long period of joint sleep, mom could be very used to this, and now she subconsciously does not want to leave. This internal resistance and excitement can be transmitted to the baby, and then it will become very difficult to teach him to sleep separately.

Remove the side from the crib and move the crib to yours in such a way that the baby bed is a continuation of yours (you can buy a special crib for newborn babies). This will create the illusion that the baby is still with his mother. After the baby learns to sleep in its new territory, the crib can be gradually moved farther and farther from the parent's bed, until moving to the next, children's room.

Remove the side back and slide the bed
Remove the side back and slide the bed

We read a detailed article on the topic:the baby is always nearby - extra beds for newborns. How to choose. Popular Brands -

Sleeping with your child - together or apart: the pros, cons, tips

Important points

  1. Talk with the baby. Usually, all children enjoy the process of growing up. Buy new crib and tell your daughter or son that only small children sleep with their mothers, while adults sleep in their own bedding. This method works great for 2–3 year old tots.
  2. For the first time, so that the crumb would not be so scared to fall asleep alone, you can turn on a special nightlight. Now there are many lamps and projectors on sale that will make the process of going to bed not only comfortable, calm, but also very interesting.
  3. To make the process of laying the baby easier, you can develop a special ritual: hygiene procedures - a fairy tale - a dream. If you stick to the sequence that in a month you will no longer have the question: “How to put a child to sleep in his personal crib?”
  4. If you have planned the birth of a second baby, then you will need to move the older one into a separate bed before the birth of the youngest. Otherwise, changing the place of spending the night can cause a storm of protests and attacks of jealousy on the part of the first-born.
  5. It would be better to time the move to your own crib for some reason: Birthday, New Year, the execution of the round date (for example, 2 years and 6 months).
  6. Let your baby also take part in choosing their own crib. Take it with you to a furniture store. And if mom and dad listen to his opinion, then this purchase will be even closer and getting used to sleeping in it will be much easier.


Now you know exactly how to teach a child to sleep in his crib. We hope that our tips will keep the peace and harmony in your family.

GUIDE video: how to teach a child to sleep in a crib?

Real experience. We look at three stories:

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  1. Alyona

    I really liked the idea of ​​coinciding with something about moving the baby into his own crib. It turns out as a gift. I myself had never thought of such a thing in my time. You see, it would be easier for me and the child.

  2. Zoya

    For some reason, I never thought about what to teach the baby to sleep separately, this is the whole problem ... ?! Maybe because I have never had this question since the birth of the children, there was a clear rule - the baby sleeps in his crib, although, like all mothers, there were times when we slept together ... actually a little daughter was sleeping, and I was in a nap and constant stress that I could hurt, crush her ... because there are so many such cases, so as soon as she fell asleep, she put her in the bed. But, having become older, we had no problems, my daughter clearly knew her place!

  3. Ekaterina

    I put my daughter in her bed as soon as she fell asleep. But if at night she woke up, I had to take her back to me. When the son was born (the daughter was exactly 2 years old then), most often we slept either all together, or again shifted her to another bed, but she came back at night) Only when we bought a bunk bed and the daughter got the second floor, she finally she began to sleep herself without resentment and jealousy of her brother. But it was already in her 5.5 years. My son still asks to fall asleep with me (he is 4 years old). Each time promising that this is the last time. But sometimes he falls asleep himself, whimpering before going to bed ... I have no need to make him sleep alone. Falls asleep with me, shift it into place. But everyone is happy. In six months, I think it will be completely independent.

  4. Maxim

    There are a lot of ways to get a baby into the crib. For example: try to establish a ritual that will be interesting for the baby, reading a fairy tale for example.
    Also, some families buy fancy cribs, with a bunch of features that lure the child, causing him interest. Basically, mothers and fathers do this, they transfer a child who has fallen asleep to bed, and this happens until he gets used to a new place (but this is usually done with children under 1 year old)

  5. Inna

    We have the same problem. We only sleep with mom, daughter 9th month. I tried a lot, no one gets enough sleep ... Either we scream, or we sleep together. In any case, no one gets enough sleep, neither mom, nor dad, nor the child himself. Maybe someone else has ideas ?!

  6. Alenp

    Yes, it’s a whole thing to teach a child to sleep separately with me, my 1st daughter is 4 years old, the second is 1 year old and we are sleeping together and the younger breast sucks horror all night as we do not get enough sleep :-))))

  7. Irina

    We tried all of the above methods ... nothing helped us. My daughter is 4 years old, she has been sleeping with us since birth, first she moved her at night, then she began to come running. To this day, she falls asleep in her bed and runs to us at night. Son 1.2 month since birth, sleeping in a crib without problems. That's what the “bitter" experience means :(

  8. Nataliya

    To be honest, I thought that with my son everything will be much more complicated. Until 2 and a half years old, slept with me. Then we moved to a new apartment and already bought him a separate bed.Immediately he set up that it was his bed, that he was an adult boy. The first week he did not pay much attention to her. Lies in it for fun and gets off. I did not immediately insist. One evening, again after water procedures, I tell him, go to sleep in your crib. And he climbed onto it himself, covered himself with a blanket, and gave a soft toy so that he would hug him in his hands. I praised him. In general, he fell asleep. I didn’t even believe it. And in the following days he was already going to his bed. It’s just visible to everyone their time.

  9. Darya

    There was a similar problem with the eldest daughter, until we moved to a new apartment. I can advise mothers to buy a toy (or if you already have a bear, a bunny, etc. then take it) so that the child puts her to bed.

For Mom

For Dad
