Raising a son: father’s allowance

Father for his son is the main example of imitation. Not everyone is fully aware of the importance of the role of the father in raising a son. Any male infant is not born a man in the full sense of the word. The masculine character, as well as the actions worthy of a real man, can be brought up only by one's own positive example.


  • Awareness of their role in education

It is important that the father is fully aware of his role in raising the child, then his authority as the head of the family will be undeniable, and the child will respect the father and be drawn to him. Having missed the upbringing of children in the first years of life, it is sometimes very difficult or even impossible to make up for wasted time.

The male type of relationship is unique to men, and therefore the father always becomes the son's first and main friend. Between them, as a rule, such relations develop that many women simply do not understand, a kind of peculiar method of education. Boys adopt from his father all his qualities, sometimes not even the best, but peculiar to him. Only the father’s behavior seems to the baby truly correct and fair, and his lifestyle is a theorem that does not need proof.

  • Child or job?

A father must pay maximum attention to his son, sometimes putting off work “for later”. The most common mistake is to pay off with toys or sweets. Some men believe that in this way they compensate for the lack of attention. In fact, material values, which seem to be of paramount importance to adults, are not so important for the crumbs. He is much nicer to play with his parents, especially his father, or get out for a walk with his family. Replacing communication with purchases, parents simply acknowledge their weakness and inability to fulfill their parental responsibilities.


  • Lack of aggression

Opposition to coddling behavior is also common. In this case, the parents do not shower the baby with purchases, thus compensating for the lack of attention. They begin to demand unquestioning obedience from the child, establish incredibly spartan rules or read lengthy and extremely boring notations. This behavior kills the child in the desire to communicate with elders, he begins to seek outside understanding.

  • Behavior basics

Cheeky and misconduct in the family is the biggest mistake a father can make. For example, disrespectful attitude to the mother of her child, leads to the loss of her authority, the baby simply will not respect his mother. Attacks of aggression towards his parents (grandparents of a child) the baby also begins to understand as the only right style of communication. Are you sure that in a few years you will not suffer the same fate? Relationships in the family, your behavior in society, unflattering reviews of people - all this the child “copies” and does the same in adulthood. Therefore, succumbing to your momentary ambitions, you set a bad example for your child.The baby begins to form a misconception about how the head of the family should be.

Boys brought up on the example of disrespect for their family members and people around them are not only unable to become a support for their soul mate, but also do not perceive other stereotypes of behavior. A life attitude has already been formed, and nothing can be done about it.

The same can be said of bad habits. If you yourself smoke or occasionally drink alcohol, how will you explain to the child that it is harmful and dangerous to health? Will he understand you?

Behavioral foundations are laid in early childhood. Stereotypes and norms of public relations should be clear to the child, and give them the correct interpretation - one of the primary tasks of the father. You need to be able to send your son, create the very “frame” on which materials from personal experience will be “superimposed” in the future.

Do not miss the relationship with the opposite sex. Teach your son to treat women as an equal side, without undue superiority. And at the same time, the baby must understand that in some situations of life he must be a reliable rear and a strong shoulder.

  • Child and society

Relations in society are an important part of life, but you also need to be able to manage household chores. To begin with, you can teach a child to simply clean up after himself, and then it will be possible to add other important matters to his duties. For example, sweep the floor, take out the trash, help dad hang a picture ... But you never know what to do at home! A real man must be able to cope with the most difficult work.

After you introduced your son to household chores, you can begin to master the financial component of life. The child must understand that money does not come from nowhere, but is earned by their own labor. But in the process of adapting to the financial side of life, it is important not to overdo it and stop at the golden mean. The child should develop a respectful attitude to the earned money, but without idolatry.

Good education is only possible with a positive personal example. Children “absorb” all our positive and negative qualities. Do not delay the moment of education to a transitional age, begin to educate your son from early childhood and respond to his mistakes immediately.

Imagine for a moment that your child will also become the head of the family in the future. What kind of young man would you like to see as your daughter's husband? Surely he should be disciplined, law-abiding, able to cope with life and be responsible for his words and deeds? By answering these questions, you can develop the right tactics of behavior.

READ ALSO: How not to raise a sissy


Boys need a father who:

  1. Will serve as a coach.
  2. Assumes obligations.
  3. Firm, fair and friendly located.
  4. Able to laugh.
  5. Constant in his feelings.
  6. Able to pacify anger.
  7. He believes in his sons.
  8. Can share his "adult wisdom."
  9. Able to show what and how to do.
  10. Will play with them.
  11. Teaches family traditions and introduces the concept of spirituality.

We also read:

What is the role of the father in raising children

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  1. Aya

    It is a pity that now in many families the role of the father in the worst case should be assumed by the mother, but in the best case, when there is a man in the family in the form of grandfather who can even help his child become a real man. It is a pity that children do not receive such important aspects of education right now.

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