What to play with the child in the clinic when the turn

The queue in the clinic - for the game!

A trip to the clinic often becomes an unnerving event for both mother and child. Children get bored while waiting for their turn and begin to think of amusements for themselves: to walk along the corridor, run, scream, talk with other children and adults, climb under changing tables or on benches. Moms and grandmothers try to calm down especially noisy, grumble, make comments, and from everywhere it is heard: "It is impossible, it is impossible, it is impossible".


Parents get tired and angry, but you can also understand the children: they were locked in a room with boring walls, there are no toys here, and sitting quietly on a bench when energy is over the edge is torture.

But sometimes you have to wait more than an hour! We suggest replacing this waiting time with playing time and talking with your child. Think about how often we do everything on the run. And here is just the case when you do not need to rush anywhere.

So what can you do in the queue to the doctor?

Getting to know the place

For many children, going to the doctor is a cause for concern. Unfamiliar premises and people, or memories of past campaigns, can be alarming. Therefore, at first it would be good to talk with the baby, tell him about everything that he sees: doctors are sitting at the door, treating the children, in the corridor of the mother with the children, and here are the pictures, and here is the window.


If you did not bring toys with you, use whatever is in the room. Show your child medical signs, no matter how boring they may be. A one-year-old child will pay attention to fruits and berries on a poster about proper nutrition, and a six-year-old is already looking with interest at the structure of the human body. Still, posters in the clinic are often made up not very interesting for children, so it’s better to go to the poster with the child: “Let's read what is written here!” And among the long descriptions, choose some interesting facts - new for both you and the child. “But I didn’t know ...” “And what do you think, if ...” - such phrases may already be the beginning of some kind of dialogue that can distract from long waiting.

For the little ones: palm games

If a small child is completely tortured to wait, you can cheer him up with a game of fingers. Squeeze his handle into the cam and bend your fingers under the rhyme:

- Finger boy
Where have you been?
- with this brother
I went to the forest.
With this brother
Cabbage soup cooked.
With these brother
I ate porridge.
With these brother
Sang songs!


Sitting squirrel on a trolley
Sells its nuts:
Sister Chanterelle,
Sparrow, titmouse,
Bear the clubfoot,
Zaynke mustachioed.


In such a boring place, as a turn, it’s good to have some fun with the baby, shaking him on his knees.At home, we usually have no time to do this.

Let's go
With nuts, with nuts,
Galloped, galloped
With kalach, with kalach!
Hopping, hopping
By bumps, by bumps -
Bullshit in the hole!

Quiet catch-up

But many children need movement. How to be You can’t rush along the corridor. If you overcome a little parental desire to sit on a stool, you can play pretty calm catch-up:

"Follow me, stepping only inside the cells, on the line you can’t."
“Will we tiptoe to the end of the corridor?”
"Follow me, leaving a trail in the wake."
“Chase me with your back forward.”
“Let’s you go the hard way, and I will repeat your movement.”

child in line


The rides are noisy and fast. And there are quiet rides when children perform some not quite simple tasks of an adult.

  1. Invite the child to stand up, put the heels and socks together, put his hands behind his back so that the wrist of one hand wraps around the wrist of the other. Now, crouching, he should lift from the floor a small object located at his foot.
  2. You need to go in a straight line in such a strange step: bring the right foot behind the left and put it as far as possible; then put the left foot behind the right and take the same step.
  3. You need to carry in your palm a piece of paper from one wall to another. If the leaf falls, you need to lift it, put it on the palm of your hand and continue moving.

Riga stew

The adult turns to the child. They both hold their hands in fists. The adult shakes his fists and says: “Riga-stew, rigu-stew ...”, and then sticks out his thumbs and says: “Fence with horns” or “Deer with horns”. If he pronounces the name of an animal that really has horns, the child should stick his thumbs out just as quickly. If the parent calls the animal without horns or some object, the child's fists should remain clenched. When a child makes a mistake, you can switch roles.


The child conceals the word secretly from mom. Now mother asks him a question, and he answers with a hidden word. For example: “What did you ride today?” "On a hippo." "What do you like to eat for breakfast?" Grasshoppers. Then you can switch roles.

You can complicate the game if you answer the question not with a word, but with a line from a song. "What do you dream about?" “I am a brilliant detective!”

We will practice memory

An adult names a word (a noun, a common noun, in the singular, in the nominative case), the child repeats it and adds the second. The parent has already repeated two words and comes up with a third. The child will need to utter four words already. The game continues until someone gets confused.

An adult can tell the child that it is possible not only to mechanically memorize words, but to invent a story with these words, then the word order will be repeated more easily. For example, to remember the series “squirrel - snail - spade - cake - bulldozer ...", we come up with the following story: a squirrel met a snail with a shovel, a cake lay on the shovel, it looked like a bulldozer ...

Pencil and paper games


If you have a pencil or pen with you, as well as a piece of paper, staying in the clinic can be even more interesting.

  • The simplest thing: ask your child to draw two identical drawings simultaneously with both hands. Now let him try to draw two different ones. And how do you do it?
  • Try using the picture to "write down" a phrase, for example, "I came to the clinic today and met a frog." You can give such picturesque letters to each other.
  • Draw a squiggle on a piece of paper, and then pass it on to the child. Let him finish your line so that you get a meaningful drawing - an animal, person or object. Now let the child draw the squiggle, and you turn it into a drawing.


Such riddles with a catch are loved by all children.

  • Why does the cow lie down? Because he can’t sit down.
  • Why does a kitten cross the road? To be on the other side.
  • How to pick a branch so as not to scare the bird? We must wait for the bird to fly away.
  • How many peas will go into a glass? Not a single pea.
  • What tap don't you get drunk from? From the lift.
  • What color is the stop crane on the plane? There is no stop crane on the plane.
  • How can an abandoned egg fly three meters and not break? You need to throw an egg four meters.
  • What gets bigger if you put it upside down? The number 6.
  • How to jump from a twenty-meter ladder and not crash? You need to jump from the bottom step.
  • When is a black cat the easiest way to get into the house? When the door is open.
  • What do day and night end with? Soft sign.
  • Can an ostrich call itself a bird? No, ostriches do not say.
  • What is most needed at lunch? Mouth.

Joint fairy tale

And finally: you can simply compose a fairy tale, telling it in turn, when everyone adds according to the sentence. The creation of fairy tales by the principle of nonsense is very popular among children.

tired baby

Remember! A hungry child himself is not happy with his excessive activity. Therefore, a box of juice, a bottle of water, fruit or cookies will be useful in your purse. Take small toys from home. Depending on age, the child can play with them with your help or by himself. Let him reproduce the situation - he brought his toy animals to the doctor, but they are bored, and we must somehow take them. Or he is a doctor, and toys are patients. Help the kid develop the plot.

Article author: Daria Velizhanina

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  1. Nataliya

    Fortunately, our clinic is very well decorated, with various posters hanging on the walls, little animals standing in the corridor and even children's musical instruments so that the kids would not be bored. You can take your favorite toy with you and he will not be bored

  2. Darya

    Of course, a lot depends on the age of the child. A kid who has already mastered speech well can be asked to describe a picture on the wall. Calculate how many objects are depicted in the picture, what color they are and what the characters are doing. You can practice orientation in space. Let the child tell what he sees to his right and left.

For Mom

For Dad
