32 weeks pregnant

32 obstetric week of pregnancy - the weight of the fetus is about 1.7 kg, the size from the toe to fives is 40-42 cm. Each week, the fetus adds up to 250 g in weight. Sudden movements can make the future mother dizzy and feel lightheaded. It's time to think about the possible presence of someone close at birth.

32 weeks pregnant

Counting weeks

32 weeks gestation - how many months? - These are eight lunar ones. The 32nd obstetric week is the thirtieth from conception. Timing calculation methods - here.

What happens to the fetus

fetal size at 32-week-gestation

Now the main “activity” for your child is height and weight gain. Some babies grow more intensively than others. This explains such significant differences in the parameters of newborns. Ask your family and friends. Someone gave birth to a baby weighing 4 kg, while someone only 2.5. The difference in growth is also quite large (45-55 cm, or even more).

With a twin pregnancy, babies are always smaller in size than with a singleton pregnancy with the same period. Usually the weight of twins at the 32nd week reaches 1.5 kg, and the growth is 38-39 cm.

The fetus begins to prepare in its own way for the upcoming birth. There is an activation of immunity. The fact is that in the womb, the fetus is literally sterile, it does not have any microorganisms. Passing through the birth canal of the mother, the child acquires its own microflora. Since not all bacteria around the newborn will be beneficial, the activity of immunity should be at its best.

The fetal endocrine system, which is responsible for the production of various hormones, continues to improve. This is another crucial process for the life ahead.


The skin of the fetus continues to gradually smooth, the fluff on it disappears. In general, your baby now looks like a real newborn, only a small one. The fetus is surrounded by approximately a liter of amniotic fluid, which is updated every three hours.

Does the baby control its movements under the mother’s heart? No, no awareness and coordination now exists. All muscle contractions, tremors in the walls of the uterus, facial expressions, grasping of the umbilical cord - this is the result of complex brain activity.

How should the fruit be located?

Already at this time, many children are located absolutely correctly - in the head presentation. There is also a pelvic presentation (buttocks down). It happens that the fetus "settles down" across the uterus or with any twist.

Doctors distinguish many types of presentation of the fetus. Some of them are an unambiguous indication for cesarean section.

Now there is still a lot of time left before childbirth.Do not be afraid of the wrong position of the fetus, it may change more than once. With a head presentation, a brace is definitely needed - it will help the baby stay in the correct position. In other cases, the bandage will have to be abandoned until the presentation of your fetus becomes the head. If this does not happen before the birth, the doctor may recommend surgical delivery (cesarean section).

With whom to give birth?


Already, you need to think about the presence of relatives in childbirth. Of course, the first candidate in this case is the father of the child. But in difficult times, there may be a mother, sister or close friend nearby. Is this good or bad?

For example, if you know for sure that your baby’s father does not tolerate the appearance of blood, then he is definitely not allowed in the birth ward. Otherwise, doctors will have to help not only you, but also your dad, who has fainted. Such cases are not uncommon. However, there are now many courses in preparation for childbirth. They explain to women and men the subtleties of this process, methods of pain relief, breathing techniques. If you attend these classes with your child's father, there is a serious attitude to this issue.

Decide together. Perhaps a close and dear person should be near only in the first period of childbirth, when you begin regular contractions, but the birth canal is not yet revealed. This will help you feel psychological comfort. A special massage will help relieve pain during contractions. Discuss all these questions in advance with your loved ones.

Of course, the presence of relatives at birth should fit into the regime of a medical institution or be stipulated in a special contract.

What the expectant mother feels - discharge, pain, complications

Organism Women 32 Week

The third trimester is considered the most difficult time of pregnancy. Now you can experience a lot of discomfort.

Constipation, heartburn, and shortness of breath are common in the third trimester. However, these unwanted manifestations of your pregnancy can be alleviated or even eliminated. How to do this - read the “Recommendations” section.

Edema requires special attention. If they occur on the arms and legs in the late afternoon, but pass quickly, you can not worry. Raise your arms and legs periodically, wear compression socks. Persistent edema is a sign of late toxicosis. Significant weight gain (more than 0.5 kg per week) may be a sign of internal edema. This is a serious complication of pregnancy, which is important to inform your doctor. Read more about late toxicosis.in this article.

Light pains in the lower back, back, hips, ribs and perineum indicate a gradual extension of the bones and internal organs. You just need to get used to such discomfort, after the delivery everything will pass.

Fetal movements can also be painful. A sharp push of your favorite leg under the ribs can even make you scream.

Normal vaginal discharge is scanty, light, with a faint odor. For any abnormalities, be examined by a doctor.

Main threat. Bleeding, watery leakage is a signal of danger of premature birth. In this case, the help of doctors is urgently needed.

The feeling, as if pulling the whole stomach (or just below), often occurs during training fights. They should be rare, without strict periodicity.

Any severe pain indicates some kind of disturbance in the body. Always tell your doctor about them, and if the pain becomes unbearable - call an ambulance.

Pain at 31-32 weeks of gestation. Questions and answers:

Premature birth

If for some reason your child is born at this time, he will have a great chance of survival. However, due to muscle immaturity, such a newborn will probably not be able to suckle on his own. Other developmental problems are possible. Modern medical equipment allows you to provide premature babies with optimal conditions for the final development. Nevertheless, at the 32nd week of pregnancy, childbirth is still undesirable.

Twins and triplets are almost always born prematurely.The burden on the mother's body is very high, and this often makes it difficult to fully convey the pregnancy. Moms with multiple pregnancies need to be especially attentive to their health, general well-being and feelings.

Tests and examinations

If you have not yet completed the next scheduled ultrasound, it can be assigned. It will be checked:

  • the location of the fetus in the uterus;
  • place of attachment of the placenta;
  • physical parameters of the fetus (head, chest and abdomen circumference, limb length);
  • amount of amniotic fluid.

If you still don’t know whether you’re waiting for a boy or a girl, this secret may well be revealed if the baby is well placed.

Blood and urine tests (general, for protein and sugar) have long become a familiar procedure for you.

Attention. Laboratory monitoring is a very important part of the medical supervision of pregnant women. Do not refuse to conduct tests!

Photo tummies


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  1. Sometimes, with good health, it may seem that a strict diet is not particularly needed. This is a misconception. Now your body is in a rather fragile balance, which is easily disturbed. So you will need a diet for a very long time: until the very birth and for the entire period of breastfeeding.
  2. Food should be frequent, in small portions. Do not expect a serious feeling of hunger, as it can cause overeating. Set a convenient meal time and follow it.
  3. In the evening, it is advisable to eat fermented milk products. They will protect you from nightly heartburn.
  4. If you have not had a bowel movement during the day, this is constipation. Be sure to include prunes and dried apricots in the diet, drink enough liquid.
  5. No sudden movements! If you are lying or sitting, get up very slowly, without “swinging” and jolting. Your haste can lead to dizziness, a veil in front of your eyes and a loss of balance.
  6. Dyspnea occurs due to the pressure of the uterus on the diaphragm and due to overstrain of the heart muscle. Now your heart is pumping almost one and a half times more blood than before pregnancy. Daily physical activity without overwork and increased stress will help your heart and breath.
  7. In case of cramps, ruin the lower leg and pull the fingers of the affected leg.
  8. Do Kegel exercises, especially if you notice urine when coughing, sneezing, or laughing.
  9. Buy the first photo album of the kid or a special notebook for recording the first achievements.
  10. Make a few lists: what you need to take to the hospital, than stock up for the first time after childbirthwhat gifts for the baby to ask relatives and so on.
  11. Gather positive impressions: go to the cinema for a good, light film or watch it at home, visit exhibitions, museums (but not Kunstkamera!), Concerts. There will be no time later.
  12. Sit as straight as possible - this will alleviate the discomfort during the baby's shocks.
  13. If you have low water, you are expecting two children, the doctor noted a low placenta, then sexual relations are prohibited. During an orgasm, the hormone oxytocin is produced in a woman's blood, which can cause uterine contractions. Another hormone with a similar effect is found in male seminal fluid. If you have a risk of premature birth, you will also have to refuse sex. In other cases, intimate life can remain at the same level. The main thing is to avoid violent manifestations, choose convenient positions.
  14. Some women even work on maternity leave. If necessary, do not allow yourself to strain.
  15. Do not forget about yoga and swimming. You do not have to sign up for any special courses. You can just visit the pool once a week for your own pleasure and health.

Take care of your health and peace of mind. Very soon you will need a lot of physical and moral strength.

← 31 week                        Week 33 →

Video guide: 32 weeks of pregnancy what is happening, presentation of the fetus, nutrition rules, close birth

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Future dad

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  1. Maria

    It was a hard week for me, my daughter still didn’t want to roll over, and walking hard, and already pregnant was tired)))) But it was so nice to feel the baby inside my tummy, I felt like she was fingering it with her hands, or her little, but very sharp heel beat me in the bladder))) Then she weighed about 1850 (judging by ultrasound) and height 42)))

  2. Ekaterina

    Now there is a lot of literature and films covering the issue of the presence of her husband in childbirth. To be honest, I don’t know how to relate to this. A woman during childbirth is so “good” that she probably doesn’t care who will be with her. Probably I would like support before the birth and immediately after, and during that time, let him not see me in this state. After all, this picture is not the most beautiful and pleasant.

For Mom

For Dad
