25 week of pregnancy

At the 25th week of pregnancy, the fetal size reaches 22 cm, weight - 700 g. The baby's hair gradually accumulates pigment and begins to acquire the color that they will have at birth. Now the main thing for the future mother is the correct metabolism and the absence of any infections.

Weeks and months

25 week of pregnancy

If the gestational age is 25 weeks - how many months is it? You are now in the seventh lunar month, more than half of the gestational age has already been experienced. About calculating the terms and dates of delivery read here.

How is the development of the fetus

fetal size at 25 weeks gestation

Under the skin of your baby, the development of subcutaneous fat continues. Thanks to this, the baby becomes chubby. But this is not for the sake of touching relatives and not for infantile beauty. Without subcutaneous fat, a person is very cold. In addition, it is this layer that later allows you to survive short-term starvation. What else happens to the fetus:

  1. Pigment begins in the hair. This substance will determine the color of the hair on the baby’s head by the time he is born.
  2. Brain cells and nerve connections are complicated.
  3. The bone marrow is actively involved in the digestion process.

For the most part, the fetus sleeps, but continues to move. During wakefulness he is more active. To train movements, the baby has the walls of the uterus, which he sometimes rests against. And yet - the umbilical cord, for which the fetus can reflexively grab the handles.

Another training action is breathing. This skill is very important for the first breath of the child. A small amount of amniotic fluid enters the bronchi and lungs through the fetal nose, but there is no danger.

The kid grew up very much, became stronger. His movements are already felt very clearly. Some tremors may cause slight pain. If the fetus is very much frolic, you can pat yourself on the stomach. Many mothers noted that this calms the little “footballer” very well.

This is what your child looks like:


Moms often worry about how their baby is located. Some babies are already settled in the uterus head down, as it will be necessary before childbirth. But the property of the fetus is that it can turn over right up to the onset of labor in the mother. If you get an ultrasound scan and say that the fetus is still head up or even across, you should not be scared. The kid still has time to turn around as it should, and if not, there are special exercises that can help with this. Now don’t worry.

Your feelings

The third trimester, the most difficult, has not yet begun. If you are healthy, follow all the recommendations and balance your diet, everything should be just fine. Frequent urination has become habitual. Surely you have learned to conquer bouts of heartburn - eat porridge and drink jelly. A grown tummy makes you slightly lean back while walking.Surely you enjoy beautiful, thick hair and delicate skin.

And yet your body is constantly doing difficult work. If he does not cope, some unpleasant sensations and problems are possible.


In approximately every second woman, pregnancy is accompanied by the onset and development of hemorrhoids. There are two reasons for this:

  1. The uterus grows and presses on the intestines and its large blood vessels.
  2. The intestines do not always work stably, pregnant women often have constipation.

This disease is not dangerous, but very unpleasant. It is best to make sure that hemorrhoids just do not start. To do this, you need to avoid constipation, help digestion - abandon everything fried, fatty and spicy. There must be food in the diet that stimulates peristalsis, that is, a reduction in intestinal muscles. These are dried apricots, prunes, sour-milk and grain products. Another important point. If constipation still occurs, you can not push.

Talk to your doctor about how to resolve such problems. He can prescribe relaxing or softening candles. Do not be afraid to talk with the doctor about such problems - during pregnancy, such troubles are not uncommon.

The fear of spontaneous abortion is gradually decreasing. Now, if the birth begins prematurely, the baby has every chance to survive. But still he will be born underdeveloped. That is why it is important to protect your health and avoid any dangerous situations.

At week 25, you can start snoring in your sleep, even if this has never happened before. This is a temporary phenomenon, it is associated with an overload of your respiratory organs. For the same reason, you may feel shortness of breath when walking or climbing stairs.

If something hurts

It is important to distinguish pain from discomfort. Minor inconvenience accompanies you almost all the time. The pulling sensations in the abdomen and lower back are a signal that the body is trying to adapt to the growth of the uterus (now it is comparable in size to a soccer ball). A dangerous sign is real, severe pain in these areas. They talk about the threat of premature birth, especially in combination with strong or simply repeated contractions.

Late toxicosis

This is one of the most adverse pregnancy complications. Read about it here..


Your body weight should increase. This ensures the growth of the fetus, the formation of the required amount of blood and amniotic fluid. The rate of weight gain at twenty-fifth week is approximately 350 grams. Otherwise, anemia, calcium deficiency may begin - because this baby needs this element. However, too much weight gain will make your breathing and movement difficult. Be careful. Ideally, if you have scales at home, this helps to monitor your performance between visits to the doctor.

Photo of tummies (click to enlarge)


Nothing changes here. The secretion of your vagina should normally be light, moderately dense, without an unpleasant odor. Any deviation from these indicators requires medical attention and examination.

Women's consultation

At this time or a little later, your doctor can change the calendar of visits. This is due to the need for more careful observation.

At the end of the second trimester, many women experience anemia (anemia). The first signal is a decrease in hemoglobin level, detected by laboratory analysis. If this is your case, your doctor will prescribe iron supplements.

Equally important is the control of blood glucose levels. Sometimes pregnant women develop diabetes, in which it is very important to take action on time. With a slight increase in sugar levels, it is usually sufficient to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet.

If recently you have not been assigned a blood test and a vaginal smear for various infections (including genital), then this can be done at the 25th week.

Remember that any “bad” analysis must be done repeatedly to rule out a possible laboratory error. Never have breakfast before giving blood, because of this, the test results will be incorrect.

Now or soon you will have to undergo cardiotocography. This is a detailed, extended study of the heart activity of your fetus. It lasts 30 minutes and registers the beat of a small heart in dynamics. Over time, such studies will be prescribed to you periodically. How often - the doctor decides.


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  1. Follow the diet prescribed by your doctor. Be sure to eat seasonal fruits and vegetables. Do not try new exotic fruits and other completely unfamiliar foods. Your body can react unpredictably.
  2. If your hands swell, do not wear rings or tight bracelets.
  3. For leg edema (not associated with late toxicosis), try to keep your legs elevated whenever possible.
  4. Try to sleep with your pillows on your left side.
  5. It is advisable not to be among large crowds, especially during epidemics.
  6. At work, take breaks every half hour, if possible. Do not sit cross-legged; change your body position more often.
  7. Wear an antenatal bandage.
  8. Light exercise is a must! But no contact sports, dexterity exercises and tedious exercises. It is best to do swimming or yoga.
  9. Sexual desires can increase markedly. This is due to the frequent rush of blood to the genitals. Choose comfortable postures for sex and do not allow too much activity, pressure on the stomach. If your partner is afraid of harming the fetus, develop collaborative cautious behavior.
  10. Wear only comfortable clothing and shoes.
  11. Do not dye your hair with chemicals now - many of them penetrate the bloodstream and can harm the fetus.

Your well-being is the most accurate indicator that you are doing everything right.

← 24 week                          26 week →

Video guide: 25th week of pregnancy what is happening, fetal development, exercise, hemorrhoids

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  1. Vera

    For me, this is a period, in fact, like the whole pregnancy was easy and did not cause any unpleasant moments. I just followed all the recommendations of the doctor and was on a diet.

  2. Nata

    In my opinion, this is the most wonderful period of pregnancy and I have only good impressions from this time. I was happy. My baby did not bother me.

  3. Miroslava

    I have yet to experience these wonderful moments and I hope that nothing negative will happen and that I can receive only positive emotions from pregnancy.

  4. Katyusha

    I am just at 25 weeks pregnant. I feel great! I hope that in the future, too, I will feel myself so easily and that I will not have any difficulties.

For Mom

For Dad
