19 week of pregnancy

The 19th week of pregnancy is a fairly calm period. If the baby has never pushed you, he can do it in the coming days. The weight of the baby will “reach” about 200 grams, and its height will reach 15 cm. The tummy can grow so much that you will feel the initial protrusion of the navel.

19 week of pregnancy

How long has the baby been conceived?

The 19th obstetric week means the 17th from conception. What is the best way to calculate the term, which may cause difficulties? read this article.

What happens to your body?

Now only the most unobservable people do not know about your condition. To everyone else, your round tummy has already "appeared." It can only be hidden under very loose clothing. During pregnancy with twins, the stomach is rounded even more.

Photo of the tummies (click to enlarge):

When walking, you probably lean back slightly. So the spine balances your body. Perhaps you already have a well-known duck walk.

But it happens differently. If you have recovered quite a bit, and had a good physical shape before pregnancy, you can simply marvel at the ease of your movements. Just be careful on the stairs. Do not allow yourself to stumble, much less to fall.

What other external features are characteristic for you in the nineteenth week:

  • soft, soft and smooth skin, often pink;
  • pigmentation of the forehead, cheeks and chin ("mask of pregnant women");
  • slightly rounded face, slightly swollen lips;
  • there is a habit of putting his hand on his stomach now and then;
  • the navel may well slightly bulge;
  • the look becomes special, and the eyes literally shine.

It is interesting. Now your one uterus weighs about three hundred grams. And the volume of amniotic fluid is about 0.5 liters.


In the nineteenth week, heartburn and constipation may still occur. Frequent urination is also a common occurrence. Lack of sleep, a love of tea and coffee, as well as usual overwork can result in a headache.

Many discomforts can be alleviated. Read our recommendations.

But there is a lot of good! You may already feel your baby pushing. If not, it means that an amazing minute of the first stirring is yet to come, but already very close.

Emotional differences have passed, instead of them, everything in life is calm and good. You have a lot of strength. Sometimes you even want to start a house repair or relocation. This desire is easy to realize if you only command. No physical exertion!

Even thin women notice that they have become much less cold. But at the same time, many expectant mothers begin to endure bad weather.

Attention: gestosis!

You have successfully dealt with early toxicosis. It is possible that you did not have it at all.And yet, no mother is immune from late toxicosis, or gestosis. This is a special complication of pregnancy, it is dangerous for a woman and her fetus. The essence of the problem find out here.

Possible complications


Although the second trimester is considered the calmest time of pregnancy, there are enough problems here.

The threat of miscarriage or fading of pregnancy always exists. Strong fright, DPT, falling on ice or a steep staircase are all provoking factors. In some cases, the consequences of an adverse event do not appear immediately.

If your stomach or lower back hurts, brown or bloody discharge appears, this may be a signal of the body about a possible miscarriage. Frozen pregnancy is more dangerous. She may initially show no symptoms. In any case, doctors should resolve all such problems.

Your immunity may not have enough strength to maintain order throughout the body. Therefore, pregnant women often have thrush on their own, and with hypothermia - cystitis. If it hurts you to urinate and traces of copious discharge, yellow or with an unpleasant odor, appear on your underwear, inform your doctor.

Surveys and analyzes

If you have not yet been scheduled for screening, you will be referred for a antenatal examination by your doctor. Your blood will be taken for hCG and AFP hormones, as well as for free estriol. This will allow doctors to check the absence of pathologies - for example, Down's disease.

Attention. Non-compliance with the norms of one of the tests does not mean a 100% probability of pathology in your baby. Perhaps you just incorrectly prepared for the blood donation (for example, could not resist and ate). The conclusion about the problems of fetal development is made on the basis of repeated, repeated studies.

Depending on your condition and previous examinations, the doctor may refer you to standard tests of blood and urine - to the level of sugar, protein, hemoglobin and other standard indicators.

Now (or a little later), you can be assigned an ultrasound. The specialist will check the basic metric indicators of your baby and, possibly, tell you the gender of the child (if you are not already in the know, and the baby will turn successfully). Want your kid to surprise you? Warn the doctor that you do not want to know what sex the fetus is.

The doctor during the ultrasound should assess the condition of the placenta, cervix and amniotic fluid.

Fetal development

fetal size 19 weeks -
height: 13-15 cm; weight: 200gram

The main thing for your baby now is the ability to fully grow and improve. You will provide the crumbs with everything you need with the right diet and good rest. And at this time, the fetus:

  • the whole body grows;
  • the brain is actively developing, zones that are responsible for the five basic senses are being improved in it;
  • the spleen is “connected” to the formation and strengthening of the immune system;
  • neck muscles are strengthened so that the born baby can already turn the head;
  • the movements of the fingers on the arms and legs are improved, they are bent in all tiny joints;
  • the amount of subcutaneous fat increases;
  • the respiratory system continues to develop;
  • girls are actively forming eggs, and with a large supply (there are several million);
  • about eighteen hours every day, the fetus is at rest, the rest of the time it moves (periods of activity and rest are recruited several per day).

The child still has enough space to tumble, so his movements do not “hit you in the breath” and do not cause you concern, but only delight.


19-week-old fetus

How's the future dad doing?

By the end of the nineteenth week you have already experienced a lot. Perhaps a little tired. Around everyone is talking about what a great time is the second trimester, but you don’t want anything at all. Just sit and watch TV. Or flipping through magazines.

In this state, conflicts are possible with your husband (partner). Men see only external changes. It is difficult for them to realize what limitations the expectation of a baby imposes on your life. What to do if you do not have enough attention of a loved one?

Ask him to give you time regularly.Spend these important minutes together on walks or just talking. Come up with some kind of joint lesson - even if it will be folding a simple puzzle! Perhaps your baby’s father simply does not have enough information. Together find forums where already held dads share their impressions. You can find very useful recommendations there.

The main thing - do not be alone next to each other. Mutual understanding and respect for the “half” you will need quite soon.

For husbands: instructions for handling a pregnant wife


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  1. Follow a pregnant diet: vegetables, fruits, cereals, meat and fish.
  2. Try to drink jelly more often if you have heartburn attacks.
  3. With constipation, prunes will help.
  4. Cramps mean a lack of potassium and calcium. Make up for the shortage with dairy products and dried apricots.
  5. Do not drink food with tea and / or coffee, especially with frequent headaches.
  6. Always try to sleep during the day when it works.
  7. Sleep at night enough to rest completely. Remember that sleep on weekends before lunch will not make up for the lack of sleep on weekdays if it was.
  8. Take vitamins and other medications prescribed by your doctor. And no more medicine!
  9. Talk with your doctor about the need to wear an antenatal brace.
  10. Take care of your feet: they should not get wet, freeze and swell. Wear comfortable shoes with a low heel or a very small wedge. At home, when sitting or lying, try to raise your legs.
  11. Your underwear and bedding should be natural.
  12. Sexual life should bring joy. If you are afraid of anything, discuss with your partner and doctors. Intimate life will have to be limited if you have a lack of amniotic fluid, you are expecting more than one baby, or you have ever been threatened with a miscarriage.
  13. Some doctors recommend using condoms during pregnancy. It is believed that this will protect the fetus from possible infections. In addition, a number of doctors believe that sperm can cause uterine contractions and provoke a miscarriage. This danger arises from the presence of the hormone prostaglandin in the seminal fluid.
  14. If you have scales at home, weigh yourself every week, for example, on Sundays. It is better to do this naked - so you get the most accurate data about your gain in weight. No opportunity? Wear the same clothing for weighing. Doctors consider the norm an increase of 250-300 grams per week.
  15. Do not sit cross-legged, as this impedes blood flow in the abdominal cavity and overloads the pelvic bones and muscles.
  16. Take breaks at work. Change the pose in which you sit, go out onto the street or balcony, if there is one, walk where possible. Choose ways of short rest according to the type of your work.
  17. When you go to bed or just relax - put pillows, rolls of towels or something like that under the stomach and between the knees. Now you can put your tummy in bed in only one position - on your side.
  18. Do not express in colostrum. It should stand out freely. So that there are no specks on clothes and clothes, buy special pads.
  19. Do not be afraid of training fights. If sometimes the stomach is slightly tense by itself, but then everything goes away - this is normal. Just make sure that there are no pains.
  20. Talk to your baby, listen to your favorite music (not just with headphones!) And feel free to stroke your stomach.

A little more - and you can proudly say that you survived about half of your pregnancy.

← 18 week       Week 20 →

Video guide: 19 week of pregnancy - moving, what is happening, abdominal sensations, pigmentation, cramps, maternity hospital

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  1. Victoria

    I had a thrush problem during pregnancy, the doctor attributed a special diet, as well as more fruits, vitamins and walks in the fresh air. It is also very important to communicate with the baby, my dad and I regularly did this))

  2. Alyona

    I am probably one of the few who have had a pregnancy in the best possible shape. I am distinguished by a sports structure, over the entire period I gained 7 kg in weight. For me, the most important thing was to listen to your body. In the morning I had to have breakfast so that the day would pass without dizziness. Yoga is even more beneficial, the exercises were performed in groups for pregnant women, under the guidance of experienced trainers. In the future, these recommendations helped me during childbirth.

For Mom

For Dad
